I enjoy using 2D art practices, be it drawing, printmaking and photography. During my diploma and degree I have learnt a variety of print practices ranging from screen-print, lithography, intaglio, monotype and relief.

The following are examples of different work styles and themes I have produced during my studies. These are using linocut, drypoint, screen-printing and etching methods.


The following are photo appropriation (photoshopped) images that were turned into solar plate etchings, for a uni assignment (semester 1, 2013).

The subject matter became an obsession that I had to purge, which I did through the printing process.

When trawling through Youtube to look at the latest video clips from my favourite singers (and some not so favourite) I was noticing derogatory comments left in the feedback section. Apart from the usual slagging off, I noticed a lot of comments pertaining to ‘mind control’ and ‘illuminati’. I started my investigation into the Illuminati and what it meant.

Whenever I asked people what it meant, they referred me to “The Davinci Code”, so I assumed it was a religious sect of some sort.

My search continued through the Internet and the first page of interest to me, was ‘The vigilant citizen’, which opened my eyes up to a world of not so subliminal messages throughout the entertainment industry, in order to control the masses.

The deeper I delved into this topic, the even more entertaining it became! 

An all encompassing satanic conspiracy that uses symbols and pop stars to control and corrupt the masses? Fricken awesome!


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